Prospect Bay’s “Golden Girls” take pandemic in stride

When COVID-19 pandemic restrictions limited our regular activities, Theresa Moore of Prospect Bay, refused to take it lying down.

As the pandemic and related constraints continued, she felt bored and stifled spending time at home. She also realized she wasn’t as active as before. That inspired her to make a change: She started walking every day.

Ms. Moore set herself a goal to walk around her entire subdivision. But she quickly learned that she was taking on too much, too fast. “When I first started, I couldn’t make it up the street. There are a lot of hills, and it’s challenging, even for the fittest of people,” said Ms. Moore. 

Despite that setback, she persevered. Each day, she increased her distance, building her endurance bit by bit.

Ms. Moore’s walks didn’t go unnoticed, and her dedication quickly inspired others.  

First, her friends Anne Chapman and Barb LeBlanc joined her, and they became regular walking partners. Next, her daughter was inspired to come along, and the momentum continued to build until she had a following. “As people kept seeing me each day, they would join me.”

Ms. Moore’s walking group was now five women strong, and the neighbours lovingly referred to them as the Golden Girls.

“The Golden Girls are equivalent to the ice cream trucks that used to drive around,” Ms. Moore said. “When they see us coming, everyone comes running, even the dogs. We bring dog treats and candy, so we are very popular – we know everyone in the subdivision now!”

The Golden Girls’ walks have become a social gathering hub, allowing them to connect with others they wouldn’t otherwise have met. “We would never have gotten to know each other like this if COVID-19 hadn’t happened.” That, she said, is the silver lining of the pandemic, along with discovering the enjoyment of walking. “It makes us happy and proud to be part of this neighbourhood.”

Ms. Moore has some tips for others who are just starting walking:

  •  Start slowly and gradually build your endurance

  • Wear comfortable shoes and clothes

  • Stop and say hello to your neighbour, even if you don’t know them, and invite them to join you (you got this!)

  • Go rain or shine (as the saying goes: there’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes for the weather)

  • Commit to going at the same time every day

  • Aim for 10,000 steps per day (build this up over time)

Walking is a great exercise to get your heart pumping and your bones moving without over-taxing them. Ms. Moore said, “Anyone can do it, no matter what shape you are in. Our ages range from 60s to 80s, and between us we have had six hip surgeries, two knee replacements and one shoulder replacement!”

It’s impressive that nothing is slowing down the Golden Girls. And Ms. Moore says that if you see them walking, you are always welcome to join in, whether you’re young or old.  


Do you have a story about a walking group in your community? Be sure to get in touch with us because we might feature you in a blog post!


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