Five ways you can move more while working from home

Working from home means no rush-hour commute, zero parking issues and more free time before and after hours. Getting to work can be as simple as walking to your desk after breakfast. Having a home office has many perks, but it doesn’t mean you should move less during the day.

Here are five ways to Make Your Move at Work when your office is your home.

Travel time

Do what’s known as a “fake commute.”

If it used to take you 20 minutes to travel to work, use the former commute time to do two, 10-minute  walks or movement breaks during the day, one in the morning and one later. 

Ten minutes of activity breaks up screen time, helps us shake off the cobwebs and promotes healthy  organ function.  

Hydration helps 

Every hour, get up from your desk for a drink. Staying hydrated is good for our bodies and boosts concentration. When you’re up to refill your glass, do some arm circles or gentle squats in the kitchen.

Staying hydrated also means more frequent bathroom breaks, which translates into moving more.

Hourly reminders

Do you love sticky notes and to-do lists, or do you keep everything on your phone? Use whatever method works best to create hourly reminders to move.

Sitting for extended periods can be harmful. Take a break, then remind yourself to move again next hour.

Stand when you can

Don’t always associate working with sitting. You can accomplish a lot and feel energized when standing, while benefitting from the fact that standing helps blood flow and circulation and engages the muscles in your lower body.

  • Stand to talk on your phone or for the next Zoom call.  

  • Invest in a standing desk, then develop practices such as scheduling standing time to ensure you use it regularly.

  • If you have a convertible desk, leave it in the standing position at the end of the day so you start your next day standing.

  • Need to think things through? Stand and look out a window for inspiration.

Visual cues

Take 10 minutes at the beginning of your work day to set the stage for success by leaving visual cues for your day’s movement moments. For example:

  • Leave the broom near your kettle to prompt yourself to work in five minutes of activity by sweeping the floor while you wait for the kettle to boil.

  • Want to remember to do some bicep curls during your next phone call? Store your headphones on a pair of two-pound weights.

  • Place a speaker in plain view on the kitchen counter to remind yourself to play a couple of tunes while you break out the dance moves.  

  • Lay your yoga mat on the floor near your desk in the morning or afternoon so you remember to do some stretches.

Moving more throughout your work-from-home day is as important as anything else on your to-do list. Movement is linked to enhanced creativity and motivation. You’ll also help lower your stress and work more effectively.

Take this as your first reminder to Make Your Move at Work today!




Want to move more? Change the way you think


How Linda Scott makes movement a priority