10 ways to move more and stay young

If you heard there was a secret to aging well that doesn’t cost you any money, would you believe it?

Well, you’re in for a treat.

The secret is simple, really. If you want to age well, one of the best things you can do is to move more throughout the day. It seems a little too simplistic, doesn’t it? But the truth is, even just a little bit of physical activity every day can have a massive impact on your health and well-being as you age.

The best part is, you don’t need to join a gym or take up a sport. The first step to being more active is to incorporate more movement into your daily routine – no extra time or equipment required!

By the numbers

On average, inactive women aged 40 to 60 spend about four hours sitting every weekday while they work using a computer, tablet or phone. They spend an additional three hours (and 3.5 hours each weekend day) sitting watching television or streaming videos. They also spend another 2.3 hours sitting every day of the week playing games on their devices.

That’s a lot of sitting.

So how do we become motivated to get up from our seat and move a bit more?

Peak pay offs

Alexi Kuhnow has the answer. She’s a physiotherapist and third-year medical student studying at Dalhousie Medical School. She’s dedicated to helping people be active at every age.

Physical activity is important to maintaining physical, social, and economic wellness as we age, allowing us to maintain a high quality of life.

Ms. Kuhnow says movement helps us: keep muscles and bones strong (helping women ward-off osteoporosis); reduce the risk of chronic diseases (cancers, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, etc.); cope with chronic illnesses (1.5 hours of activity/week can lessen lower back pain); reduce the risk for falls; and it promotes brain health.

She underlines the last point: “This latter topic is of special interest to me, as a physiotherapist-turned medical student,” says Ms. Kuhnow. “If we’re physically active, our brains benefit from reduced anxiety and improved cognitive function. We know physical inactivity is linked to the development of dementia such as Alzheimer’s disease.”

Top tips for moving more each day

Moving more can be as simple as sitting less. You can enjoy these benefits and easily add low impact to moderate activity into the whole day:

  • Walk to the community mailbox (don’t stop in the car while you’re out running errands)

  • Park near the back of the lot the next time you’re at a shop or the bank

  • Clean out a closet (crank some tunes, music helps to motivate)

  • Sweep or vacuum (don’t do all the floors at once, pick one room today)

  • Dance to two songs (do this while cooking dinner)

  • Stand during your next phone call or Zoom meeting (or two, they’re never ending lately)  

  • Walk for 10 to 20 minutes (with a friend, the dog, around the block, at a mall, did you say ‘mall?’)

  • Shop your home: rearrange artwork/collectibles (make old things new again, it’s fun and free)

  • Fold the laundry while standing at a table or counter, take the time to put it away

  • Participate in active play with your kids or grandkids. If you can, go exploring. Wander around the garden/yard, park or neighbourhood. Enjoy the beauty of the outdoors together

Words of wisdom

If we’ve got you thinking (fingers crossed), take it from Ms. Kuhnow: “As a physiotherapist who’s worked in geriatrics and sports medicine, I assure you – it’s never too late to start moving,” she says.

Start today! Remember, every little bit of movement will help you down the road. Think of it as money in the bank, a health-care investment. That’s right - caring for your health. Get going and have fun!


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