Small movements, big improvements

Tara Taylor, Movement Ambassador

The struggle is real. We’re all feeling the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in one way or another. If you haven’t been feeling your best, that’s understandable. No one knows how long we are going to be dealing with the effects of the pandemic. That’s why we need to find ways to build our resilience. It’s important to increase our reserves of energy and find ways to support our individual and collective mental and physical health through this trying time – even more so if you’re a parent, caring for an elder or feeling the effects of isolation if you live alone and work from home.

The good news is that adding more movement to your day can help you start feeling better almost immediately. Movement is powerfully accessible and can be modified to meet everyone’s needs. Moving daily can contribute to positive outlook, better mood, improved mental health and can connect people to one another other – all of which are critical as we continue in our “new normal.”

Make Your Move meets you where you are – nothing “extra” is required. No costly gym membership, no workout clothes and no fitness trackers are needed to start feeling better today. You’re already moving more than you think, and that is cause for celebration!

In the spirit of celebration, we’ve launched a new campaign that features Movement Ambassador Tara Taylor, an accomplished artist based in Preston, N.S.

“This is a thrilling partnership, with so many possibilities to help encourage people to think about movement differently and show them just how easy it is to fit into our busy lives,” says Taylor, who was the first ever artist in residence at the Halifax Public Libraries. “Since working on this campaign, I’ve been incorporating simple moves into my day and have noticed a big difference in the way I feel, my mood and energy levels – it’s simple but powerful.”

“Since working on this campaign, I’ve been incorporating simple moves into my day and have noticed a big difference in the way I feel, my mood and energy levels – it’s simple but powerful.” Tara Taylor

Adding more movement is as simple as walking or wheeling more, stretching your body, parking at the back of the lot, getting off the bus one or two stops early, working in the yard, stacking wood, gardening, cycling, taking the stairs more often, or playing with your kids. Every move counts.

The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (which produces the Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines) recently released a study saying for the first time ever that “light physical activity, including standing, matters too.”

It’s almost too easy! We’d love for you to #MakeYourMove with us – join us as we inspire Nova Scotians to move more and feel better. Let’s head into the future stronger than ever.

To spread the word, share this blog post with your friends and “like” our Facebook and Instagram page. And be sure to let us know if someone is inspiring others in their community to move – they may have a chance to be profiled on our blog.

Remember, the best piece of exercise equipment ever invented is YOU!


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